Choose the sofa against the wall!

You buy a sofa. You tell yourself that this is the last sofa I will ever need in my life. Then for a couple of years, you're satisfied with that no matter what goes wrong, at least you'll be a relief for getting your sofa issue handled. Then slowly you buy the furniture, the right beautiful set of dishes, the perfect bed, the rug, the drapes. Then you're tapped to your world in your lovely nest and you will see the things you used to own, now they own you. Here just a small step of buying a sofa gives you the courage to buy many new furniture and make your life beautiful.

Living with good furniture means living with a good quality of life with Sofa Hub Kathmandu!

If you made your mind with just one time expenses on the sofa and searching for the high quality, durable of 10 years warranty, strong, environment friendly then you are in the right direction, as we (Sofa Hud Kathmandu) is the right choice for you.

We offer high-quality goods with a warranty of 10 years, very environment friendly, comfortable and with many advantages.

So feel free to book the sofa without worry as we are covered with trustworthy people here- Taralal Dharel (Hari)- the owner of Sofa Hub Kathmandu additionally he also manages Facebook pages, handles the IT works related to this, direct chat with the customer, direct receive the calls from the customers and also handle the mails.

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